How much property could you afford around the world on your salary? This new interactive tool will tell you...
- Turkey is ranked as the cheapest place to buy on an average salary
- South Korea the most expensive with an average salary affording just 84.4 ft2
- UK ranks 25th out of the 36 OECD countries for affordability
It costs more than ever to get your foot on the property ladder, but how does the affordability of homes compare around the globe?
A new analysis shows that only 1 in 8 families could afford the cost of living what's commonly known as the American Dream in 2014.
Inspired by the new book 'Chasing the American Dream,' about the cost of the financial crisis, housing bubble, and Great Recession, reporters at USA Today calculated the cost of all those elements that make up the American Dream.
For the project they included the costs of home ownership, moderate-cost groceries, a car, health insurance, taxes, educational expenses for your children, and retirement planning.
A new study shows only one family in eight can afford home ownership, children, retirement savings, and all the other things typically promised in the American Dream
They reached an average total of $130,357 per year in household income.
Here's how USA Today broke down the average expenses to live comfortably and raise children:
Home ownership - $17,062 per year
Groceries - $12,659 for a family of four
Transportation - $11,039 a year for a four-wheel-drive SUV
Health Care - An average of $9,144 for out-of-pocket costs and premiums
Total taxes - Roughly 30 per cent of all income
Education - $4,000 per year for two children plus approximately $2,500 per child for college savings
Retirement - The maximum pretax contribution to a retirement plan for people under 50 in this income level is approximately $17,500
In a country where the median household income is roughly $51,000, that's a dream well out of reach for most people.
In fact only 16 million households in America earned that much last year.
Thomas Hirschl, a professor at Cornell University who co-authored the book, noted that most people surveyed did not desire to become one of the 1 per cent of earners, only to have a decent life.
'It's not about getting rich and making a lot of money. It's about security,' he said. He added that they also wanted to see their children succeed.
'They want to feel that their children are going to have a better life than they do,' Hirschl added.
There are however massive variables depending on where one lives, with cities like Indianapolis and Tulsa being far more affordable than New York or San Francisco when you take taxes and housing costs into account.
They also noted that some groups - immigrants for instance - often lived with extended families that helped share the load.
Some business owners are even beginning to publicly speak out.
Recently, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced a policy to help provide a college education for his employees.
'In the last few years, we have seen the fracturing of the American dream,' he told reporters.
And studies show more Americans understand their situations.
A 2008 Brookings Institution poll showed roughly three-quarters of Americans said that the American Dream was harder to attain.
The 100-year story of how a nation that feels poor got rich
A campaign poster of President William McKinley in the year 1900; Wikimedia Commons
You can learn a lot about somebody by looking through his receipts. Is he rich? Is she poor? Where does he shop? What does she value?
Alas, the U.S. economy doesn't come with a receipt. GDP tells us how much stuff we produce. GDI, or gross domestic income, tells us how much money we make. But these numbers don't tell us what the economy looks like from the viewpoint of a typical household.Fortunately, we have something that's very close to an aggregate receipt for the American family going back more than a century: "100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending", a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
This is our story today: It is a story about how spending on food and clothing went from half the family budget in 1900 to less than a fifth in 2000.It is a story about how a nation thatfeels poor got so rich. Here's the big picture in one chart showing the share of family spending per category over the 20th century. The big story is that spending on food and clothes has fallen massively while spending on housing and services has gone up.
The year is 1900. The United States is a different country. We are near the end of the Millennium, but in the "warp and woof of life," we are living closer to the 1600s than the 2000s, as Brad DeLong memorably put it. A quarter of households have running water. Even fewer own the home they lived in. Fewer still have flush toilets. One-twelfth of households have gas or electric lights, one-twentieth have telephones, one-in-ninety own a car, and nobody owns a television.
Families spend a whopping 80% of that on food, clothes, and homes.
In 1900, seen from perch of the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- which counts national jobs, income and spending -- the United States is like one big farm surrounded by a cluster of small factories. Almost half of the country works in agriculture. As for the budding services economy: There are more household servants than sales workers. As for the women's rights movement: More than twice as many households report income from children (22%) than wives (9%).
Over the next 100 years, the U.S. family got smaller, more reliant on working women and computers, less reliant on working children and farms, and, most importantly, much richer. About 68-times richer, in fact. Household income (unadjusted for inflation) doubled six times in the 20th century, or once every decade and a half, on average.
But to appreciate the transition in full, let's first meet it halfway.
Meanwhile, the "making-stuff" economy is at its apex. Nearly half of working men are craftsmen or operators. (The female labor participation rate is still below 20%.) Factory wages have grown by seven-fold since 1901, and they've nearly tripled since the Great Depression. Textile manufacturing has never been higher and will never be higher. The year 1950 is its exact peak. Apparel manufacturing would grow through the 1970s before collapsing in the last third of the decade. The U.S. was the making-stuff capital of the world, and our dominance probably felt indefinite.
Half a century later, factories, just like farms before them, would become the victims of American efficiency.
It's become fashionable to consider the 1950s a golden age in American economics. Employment was full. Wages were rising. Manufacturing was strong. But if you're the kind of person who likes clothes or food, then welcome to paradise.
So if the typical American family feels squeezed, what's squeezing us?
I have two answers: The first answer is housing and cars. Half of that orange "other" slice is transportation costs: mostly cars, gas, and public transit. A century ago, if you recall, 80% of families were renters and nobody owned a car. Today, more than 60% of families are home owners, and practically everybody owns a car.*
The other answer, which you can't see as clearly in this chart, is health care. Health-care spending makes up more than 16% of the U.S. economy, but only 6% of family spending, according to the CES. One reason for the gap is that most medical spending isn't out of our pockets. Employers pay workers' premiums and government foots the bill for the elderly and the low-income. Government spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid has quadrupled since the 1950s in the most meaningful measurement, which is share of GDP.
In short, health care costs are squeezing Americans. But the details of this squeeze elude the color-wheel above. We are paying for health care with taxes, borrowing, and compensation that goes to health benefits, rather than wages.
In 1900, the Bureau of Labor Statistics counted three categories as necessities: housing, food, and apparel. In the last 100 years, we've added to the list. Health care has become necessary. For most people, a car has become necessary. Even higher ed is a necessity for today's middle class.
We have new expectations for what our money should buy. We have earned (literally) the right to expect more from life in America.
Historical context shouldn't cheapen middle class suffering. Today's suffering is real. Unemployment is high. Wage growth is flat. We are squeezed by rising health care costs and scarcity of affordable housing in productive cities.
And yet, who can deny that we are richer? A century ago, we spent more than half our money on food and clothes. Today, we spend more than half of our money on housing and transportation. Our ambitions turned from bread and shirts to ownership and highways. We are all subtle victims of the expectations that 100 years of wealth have bought.
*Even for people who decide not to buy, higher rent costsdriven by popular coastal cities, constrictive urban policies, and a shortage of multifamily homes also increase housing costs
Exploring the cost of everything See full coverage
This morning I summed up the last 100 years in family spending this way: "A century ago, we spent more than half our money on food and clothes. Today, we spend more than half of our money on housing and transportation. Our ambitions turned from bread and shirts to ownership and highways."
I want to make one more point from the BLS survey I consulted, "100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending." It's about food. In 1950, the average farmer fed about 20 people. In 2000, he feeds more than 120. The agriculture sector is a marvel of economic efficiency. There are downsides to the farmland'sinsatiable quest for productivity. But the bottom line for most families is that our wages have grown much faster than the price of food.
Take a look at these two graphs (Y-axis is in dollars). They compare the retail price of flour, steak, eggs, and milk to the hourly wage of a typical middle class job (I picked manufacturing) since the turn of the 20th century. Up to the 1930s, you don't see hourly wages gaining much on food prices ...
| Are you middle class? Map reveals how you need to take home $67k in Maryland but just $39k in Mississippi
Middle class in the U.S. can mean something very different depending on where you call your home state.
Census bureau numbers show a shocking disparity in the definition of 'middle income' - with Maryland boasting an average of $67,469 and Mississippi posting an appallingly low $39,078, a difference of $28,391.
Debate over the definition of middle class comes after President Obama's State of the Union address this week. He detailed his plan to get the middle class back on track, mentioning the term a total of 8 times in his speech on Tuesday.
'It is our generation's task, then, to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class,' he told a joint-session of Congress but since the term is defined so differently by region, many are now wondering who would actually be helped.
Gap: The highest average household income across the U.S. was in Maryland at $67,469. Mississippi had the lowest at $39,078 - a shocking difference of $28,391
The competition to court the middle class was felt this week, after the president's annual address called on increased attention to improve the status of middle income earners.
In particular, he called for an increase in the minimum wage by $1.75 to $9 an hour, tax reform
and investment in technology training. Top 25 U.S. States for Average Median Household
1 Maryland $67,469
2 New Hampshire $67,287
3 Connecticut $67,165
4 New Jersey $65,072
5 Massachusetts $62,809
6 Virginia $62,776
7 Alaska $60,566
8 Colorado $59,803
9 Hawaii $59,605
10 Washington $59,370
11 Utah $58,438
12 Minnesota $56,869
13 District of Columbia $56,566
14 California $56,074
15 Delaware $55,421
16 Vermont $54,805
17 Wyoming $54,458
18 Nebraska $53,927
19 North Dakota $53,827
20 Illinois $52,801
21 Wisconsin $52,574
22 Rhode Island $52,142
23 Oregon $51,735
24 New York $51,547
25 Iowa $51,322
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2010 to 2012 Annual Social and Economic Supplements.
But Republicans shot back, blaming the Democrats for the lack of economic growth and slow job creation.
The GOP is earnest to reach these middle class voters as well, particularly after the party's embarrassing failure to appeal to the working class during the 2012 presidential election.
Though the Republican SOTU response by Senator Marco Rubio (Republican - Florida) got more attention for his hilarious water break than the substance of his remarks - he did mention the words 'middle class' and 'working class' a total of 17 times, The Wall Street Journal counted.
As the middle income sector remains the object of desire for both parties, it has become increasingly unclear who actually falls into that income sector.
Data from 2011, shows the median household income across the nation was $50,054.
A close examination of average household income by state shows that as the top and bottom income levels vary - naturally so does the middle.
The three year average of median household income from 2009 to 2011 of residents in Maryland was $67,469, with the average in New Hampshire ($67,287) and Connecticut ($67,165) close behind.
But the average dropped significantly as one traveled down the coast.
Mississippi posted the lowest average at $39,078. Its neighbors in Arkansas ($39,806) and Tennessee ($41,524) also posted income averages that were shockingly low.
These vastly different levels can make it hard to adequately craft policies for the generic 'middle class' segment, when the middle is not equal.
Pundits have responded that the term 'middle class' is much too broad to target the exact population that will receive aid.
'There are two kinds of middle-class Americans struggling today,' Jim Tankersley wrote in a Washington Post editorial after Mr Obama's speech.
'There are the people who can't find work or can’t work as many hours as they'd like. And there are full-time workers who can't seem to get ahead.'
Dante Chinni pointed out in his analysis in The Wall Street Journal that the impact of Mr Obama's proposal to raise the minimum wage will have great or little impact depending on the region.
'In some places that money may be a crucial part of middle-class life, but in others it may be more about summer jobs for high school students,' he wrote.
As Democrats and Republicans battle it out for the middle earners, they could find that sector increasingly elusive.
My fellow Americans: President Barack Obama called on Congress to boost economic growth and help the middle class. He used the term 'middle class' a total of 8 times in his State of the Union address on Tuesday
Republican rebuttal: After Obama's speech to Congress, Senator Marco Rubio (Republican - Florida) gave the GOP plan for the middle class, using the term a total of 17 times
The Six States Where Taxes Are Soaring
Former Presidents cost the government $3.7million last year
Former Presidents cost the government $3.7million last year (and guess who was the biggest spender?)
Being the leader of the free world is an expensive proposition and the costs don't stop once you leave the White House.
NEW The most expensive of the bunch was the former President who was most recently in the White House, as George W. Bush clocked in last year with just over $1.3million in costs. The $3.7million bill covers a pension, compensation and benefits for office staff, and the government also picks up the tab for other costs like travel, office space and postage.
The government spent nearly $3.7million on former presidents in 2012, according to an analysis just released by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
That covers a pension, compensation and benefits for office staff, and the government also picks up the tab for other costs like travel, office space and postage.
Living on the government hand outs: Former President George W. Bush was the biggest recipient, followed by Bill Clinton, the elder George H.W. Bush (right) and Jimmy Carter (center right) coming in last
The most expensive of the bunch was the former President who was most recently in the White House, as George W. Bush clocked in last year with just over $1.3million in costs.
The $3.7million taxpayers shelled out in 2012 is about $200,000 less than in 2011, and the sum in 2010 was even higher.
The cost totals for ex-president don't include what the Secret Service spends protecting them, their spouses and children. Those costs are part of a separate budget that isn't made public. With ex-presidents able to command eye-popping sums for books, speaking engagements and the like in their post-White House years, the report raises questions about whether the U.S. should provide such generous subsidies at a time when spending cuts and the deficit are forcing lawmakers and federal agencies to seek ways to cut back.
Under the Former Presidents Act, previous inhabitants of the Oval Office are given an annual pension equivalent to a Cabinet secretary's salary – about $200,000 last year – plus $96,000 a year for a small office staff.
Departing presidents also get extra help in the first years after they leave office, one reason that Bush's costs were higher than other living ex-presidents. Bush was granted almost $400,000 for 8,000 square feet of office space in Dallas, plus $85,000 in telephone costs. Another $60,000 went to travel costs.
Quite a club: Presidents receive an annual pension until they die
President Bill Clinton came in second at just under $1million, followed by George H.W. Bush at nearly $850,000.
Clinton spent the most government money on office space: $442,000 for his 8,300 square-foot digs in New York's Harlem neighborhood.
Clinton's predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, received about $850,000 in federal funds last year.
White House widow: Former First Lady Nancy Reagan still is entitled to a $20,000 pension even though President Reagan died
Costs for Jimmy Carter, the only other living former president, came in at about $500,000.
Widows of former presidents are entitled to a pension of $20,000, but Nancy Reagan, the wife of former President Ronald Reagan, waived her pension last year. That said, the former first lady did accept $14,000 in postage.
Funding for ex-presidents under the Former Presidents Act dates back to 1958, when Congress created the program largely in response to President Harry Truman's post-White House financial woes, the Congressional Research Service said.
The goal was to maintain the dignity of the presidency and help with ongoing costs associated with being a former president, such as responding to correspondence and scheduling requests.
These days, a former president's income can be substantial from speaking and writing, and ex-presidents also have robust presidential centers and foundations that accept donations and facilitate many of their post-presidential activities.
Noting that none of the living ex-presidents are poor, Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz from Utah introduced a bill last year that would limit costs to a $200,000 pension, plus another $200,000 that ex-presidents could use at their discretion.
And for every dollar that an ex-president earns in excess of $400,000, their annual allowance would be reduced by the same amount. The bill died in committee.
| Former presidents cost U.S. taxpayers big bucks; tab from 1977 to 2000 is pegged at $370 million
The presidency of Gerald Ford was unlike any other in U.S. history. He was the only president never elected to the office, and he was the only president to pardon another president. He held another distinction after he left office he received the biggest federal pension of any former president.
Besides the $183,500 he received last year from his presidential pension, Mr. Ford also received $120,247 in a congressional pension. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton each received presidential pensions of $183,500 last year. Mr. Bush also received a congressional pension estimated at $65,000 a year.
Presidential pensions are rising to $186,600 this year.
Including the cost of Secret Service protection, ex-presidents personal allowances totaled $370 million from 1977 to 2000, according to a 2001 federal report.
The federal government began paying former presidents an annual allowance in 1958 after Congress decided former President Harry Truman should not have to answer his own mail and buy his own stamps. Because of his financial limitations he had an Army pension that paid him $112.56 a month Mr. Truman was unable to staff his office, according to the Library of Congress.
The Former Presidents Act of 1958 was established to help ease former presidents back into private life and was retroactively applied to the two living former presidents at the time Truman and Herbert Hoover.
Congress set a pension of $25,000 a year for former presidents in 1958, but that has grown steadily over the years. The General Services Administration reports presidential pensions will reach $188,000 in 2007. They are now pegged to the salaries of current cabinet officers.
Pensions for former U.S. presidents are comparable to the pensions for former leaders in Great Britain, while Canada s elder statesmen get substantially less.
Prime Minister Tony Blair reportedly will receive about $343,000 annually as an allowance, which includes costs to maintain an office.
In Canada, former prime ministers pensions are tied to the amount of time served. If they were in office for at least four years, they are given an allowance of two-thirds their annual salary or about $90,000.
In addition to pensions, former U.S. presidents receive annual office allowances to pay staff salaries and benefits, office rents, printing, stationary, local and long-distance telephone service, travel funds, and of course free use of the mail.
Mr. Ford, who died on Dec. 26, spent $17,000 on office supplies in 2006, more than any other former president.
In addition to his love for pens, pencils, and stationery, Mr. Ford did his fair share of traveling. He tallied up $45,000 in travel expenses, more than Jimmy Carter, but less than George H.W. Bush s $54,000 and Bill Clinton s $63,000.
In 2006, Mr. Clinton also ran up quite a phone bill $75,000. This topped any other former president by $60,000.
And despite all the office supplies, Mr. Ford evidently wasn t using them to write letters, spending the lowest on postage at $9,000.
But none of this compares with the cost of Secret Service protection for former presidents, estimated in 2000 at $24 million a year, according to the 2001 federal report.
In 1985, former President Richard Nixon terminated his Secret Service protection.
According to a 2002 Saturday Evening Post article written by his daughter, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, her father gave up the round-the-clock protection because of his concerns about the costs to taxpayers.
But questions are being raised about whether today s ex-presidents need the government funds they receive.
Now multimillionaires, many sitting on corporate boards and receiving more than $100,000 for speaking engagements, ex-presidents are no longer in the Harry Truman mold.
Pete Sepp, spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, wonders about the exorbitant level of presidential pensions in an age where ex-presidents are solid gold.
The presidential pension system is probably the only system of perks that outdoes the cushy benefits for members of Congress, Mr. Sepp said. In an age where ex-presidents can rake in millions of dollars, it seems pointless to guarantee them a system of extremely lavish lifetime benefits.
Yet President Ford received about $304,000 in pension money from the federal government in 2006, according to the taxpayers union, a nonprofit organization based in Alexandria, Va., that works for lower taxes, restrained federal spending, and accountability.
Mr. Ford s congressional pension stems from his representation of Michigan s 5th District in the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1973. He was House minority leader for eight years before being appointed vice president in 1973 after Spiro Agnew resigned.
Mr. Ford then became president when Mr. Nixon resigned Aug. 9, 1974.
While Mr. Ford was in office for only 2 years, Larry Sabato, director of University of Virginia s Center for Politics, said Mr. Ford deserved his full pension because these weren t easy years. But he says one day the allowance system may run into problems.
One day we will have someone that serves [as president] for just a week or two and then what are you going to do? Does that monthlong tenure entitle him to all these perks? Mr. Sabato asked.
George H.W. Bush is now the only ex-president to receive a congressional pension. Based on his four years as a Texas congressman, two years as United Nations ambassador, two years as chief of the Central Intelligence Agency, and eight years as vice president, he will receive about $65,000 this year in a congressional pension, on top of his presidential pension, according to the National Taxpayers Union.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management said the specific amount of a congressional pension not presidential pensions is protected information under the privacy act.
Mr. Sabato said that while presidents are being paid so lavishly there are reasons for the federal expense.
We saw a six-day funeral for Gerald Ford. Presidents are obviously very significant people long after they have served in office, he said. We don t have a royal class in the United States, but presidents come close.
The federal government provides former commanders-in-chief with office staff and suitable office space, appropriately furnished and equipped, at a location within the United States designated by a former president, for the rest of his or her lifetime, according to a report by the General Services Administration.
By law, staff salaries are capped at $96,000 a year, but former presidents can pay for additional staff out of their own funds or through foundations they set up.
According to a 2001 federal report on former presidents spending habits, offices of former presidents had anywhere from 6 to 19 employees.
Although staff members are not considered federal employees, they are eligible for federal retirement and health insurance.
Both Mr. Ford and Mr. Bush maintained primary offices in addition to summer offices in other locations, according to the 2001 report. Mr. Ford s primary office was located in Rancho Mirage, Calif., and his summer office was in Vail, Colo.
Mr. Bush s primary office is in Houston and his summer office in Kennebunkport, Maine. Mr. Carter s only office is at the Carter Presidential Center, in Atlanta.
The federal government pays the highest office rent for Mr. Clinton s lease on a Harlem penthouse suite. He was initially considering a Manhattan apartment that would have topped $800,000 a year, but, after a media frenzy, he looked elsewhere.
Mr. Clinton s office rent will cost taxpayers $498,000 in 2007. The next highest office rent is Mr. Bush s at $175,000.
In 1994, the Former Presidents Act was amended to only permit staff and office allowances for former presidents to last up to five years. But, in 1998, just before the provision would go into effect, lifetime staff and office allowances were restored.
Mr. Ford lobbied Congress to reinstate this lifetime allotment so he could keep his office in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
In addition to federal pension and retirement allowances, former presidents receive, Secret Service protection, medical expenses, and state funerals and burials with military honors.
The Secret Service does not disclose protection costs for former presidents for reasons of security, but a 2001 federal report said Secret Service protection for former presidents cost a total of about $24 million in 2000.
In 2000, the Secret Service was protecting former Presidents Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and Ford, their spouses, and Lady Bird Johnson, widow of former President Lyndon Johnson, who died in 1973.
Lifetime Secret Service protection for former presidents and their spouses began after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. But the protection is now limited to 10 years by federal law for former presidents who began their presidential terms after 1996 meaning that as the law stands today, Mr. Carter, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Clinton have lifetime Secret Service protection, but that protection will end for President George W. Bush at the start of 2019.
In 1994, the Former Presidents Act was amended to authorize the federal government to give each former president up to $1 million annually, and his spouse up to $500,000 annually, for security and travel-related expenses if needed after the 10-year term of Secret Service protection expires.
Federal law does not treat former first ladies nearly as well after their husbands die.
A presidential widow is provided a $20,000 annual lifetime pension plus franking privileges, to send mail free of charge.
Ms. Johnson, 94, is the only former first lady receiving a presidential widow s pension.
To receive a pension, a presidential widow must waive her rights to any other federal pension.
For this reason, Betty Ford likely will refuse the presidential widow s pension and instead choose her other option, 55 percent of Mr. Ford s congressional pension, or about $65,000 a year.
Besides presidential pensions and other postpresidential expenses, the federal government pays to maintain and operate presidential libraries.
They must be built with private funds, but the National Archives spent about $97 million in 2006 to operate the 11 presidential libraries. And the archives likely will add a 12th library this year, taking the currently privately funded Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, Calif., under its federal embrace.
Being the President of the United States comes with a tremendous amount of pressure and responsibility. However, the commander in chief does enjoy preferential treatment most of us will never experience.
Some of those perks include: having his limo transported by plane wherever he travels, getting to see first-run and not-released movies free of charge, never stopping for a stop light or sign and his own private zip code.
Which brings us to today’s Just Explain It.
What’s the value of the presidency when you add in all the perks for being Commander-in-Chief?
We may never be able to put a dollar amount on the value of the presidency. That’s because some of the costs associated with the position are buried in many different budgets and scattered between different governmental departments.
Let’s take a look at some of the presidential perks covered by your tax dollars. They not only make the president’s life easier, they’re for security and practical purposes too.
Number one -- the president’s salary is $400,000 a year. The Chief Executive also gets a budget for entertainment, business and travel expenses.
Number two -- Transportation. To get the president from place to place safely, he has Air Force One, Marine One and a limo available at a moment’s notice. A 2012 Congressional Research Service report found that Air Force One costs about $180,000 an hour to operate.
According to the Hawaii Reporter, one round-trip flight to Honolulu by President Obama last month cost about $3.2 million. But the president made two of them because of the fiscal cliff crisis. That doubled the price tag to $6.4 million.
Number three – The White House. For the 2008 fiscal year, Bradley Patterson, a retired Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, estimated the cost of running the White House was almost $1.6 billion. And that amount didn’t include unpublished classified expenses.
The president’s White house staff also comes at a steep price. In 2012, the White House reported its payroll grew from $37 million in 2011 to $37.8 million. The list includes 468 names. 139 of which make more than $100,000 a year.
Number four – Secret Service access. Protecting the President takes a great deal of manpower. The agency’s budget this year is $1.6 billion. A portion of that will go toward protecting president while in office and for life.
And number five – Retirement plan. According to CNBC, President Obama will receive over $191,000 a year for life as soon as he leaves office.
A former president’s net worth can grow substantially in retirement. After two terms in office, The Atlantic magazine reported Bill Clinton’s net worth at around $40 million. The increase was due to numerous speaking engagements and book deals.
A new tool from property search engine lets you to see how much property you could buy around the world with your salary.
The tool compares 36 OECD countries - with Turkey ranked as the cheapest, and the UK coming out at 25th.

Turkey is ranked as the cheapest place to buy on an average salary, while the UK ranks at 25th
While someone earning the average salary in the US could afford a property of around 670 square feet, the typical Brit would only be able to afford around 215 square feet - a 68 per cent reduction in size.
Turkey comes out on top, with locals being able to purchase 742 square feet when earning the average household income of £13,326. Perhaps surprisingly, the US is close behind in second spot with earnings of £34,394 affording 669.4 square feet of real estate.
The third spot in the rankings goes to Mexico, followed by Russia and Slovakia.
On the other end of the affordability scale, South Korea comes out as the least affordable property market, with the median household income of £16,964 affording just 84.4 square feet of home.
And Switzerland comes in as the second least affordable property market for average earners, with an income of £28,408 affording 112.9 square feet, followed closely by Israel.
Enter your salary below to find out how much property you could afford around the world on your salary.
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