![]() Larry Silverstein, you may recall, is a reputed mobster who allegedly got his start in the sex services business and then oozed into real estate. Two months before 9/11, Silverstein finalized his 100-year-lease on the white elephant, condemned-for-asbestos World Trade Center complex – and proceeded to double the insurance and hardball his insurers into changing the policy to “cash payout.” On 9/11/01, Silverstein skipped his usual breakfast at the top of the North Tower. He says his wife reminded him of an appointment with his dermatologist. Other family members also stayed away, with other excuses. All of those who breakfasted there died. Silverstein and family survived. After confessing on national television to blowing up World Trade Center 7, Silverstein went to court and asked for – and received – double indemnity, including almost a billion dollars for WTC-7 – the very building he had confessed to blowing up. Larry had the chutzpah to claim that there were two separate, unrelated terrorist attacks (the two planes) so he should get twice the money. Somehow that worked, presumably thanks to a mobbed-up judge. “Lucky Larry” walked away with more than five billion dollars, plus rights to rebuild. But that wasn’t enough chutzpah for Larry. For the past several years he’s been back in court, asking for 11 billion dollars from the airlines’ insurers. Now Silverstein has somehow convinced AMR, the parent company of American Airlines, to give him a special dispensation. Even though AMR has filed bankruptcy, which theoretically should stop all lawsuits against it, the company’s attorneys have – for unstated reasons – chosen to insert a special rider into their bankruptcy agreement which allows Silverstein to continue suing the company. According to the Wall Street Journal: Silverstein’s company, which leased the Twin Towers and two other World Trade Center buildings from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, is seeking billions of dollars in damages for alleged negligence by the airline, according to the lawsuit. It is also seeking compensation for the lost rental income; the developer had signed 99-year leases for the space just two months before the attack. Lost rental income?! Larry, those Towers were condemned for asbestos! You would have had to spend many billions, probably double-digit billions, to scrape every bit of asbestos off the frames of those buildings to legally collect rental income. Not only that, but the Towers had a very high vacancy rate and antiquated communications infrastructure. New York City had been desperately seeking a way to demolish the Towers for at least a decade, but could not do so because of the asbestos. The WTC complex was a gigantic money-loser for the City, and it would have quickly bankrupted any private owner…had not a certain act of urban renewal by other means taken place on 9/11/01. As if all that isn’t enough chutzpah, get this: Larry Silverstein used his 9/11 insurance fraud money to buy Chicago’s Sears Tower! How could Lucky Larry possibly top all of his previous acts of over-the-top chutzpah? Simple: He could blow up the Sears Tower, brag about it on national TV, and collect more double-digit billions in insurance money on the premise that it was somehow the fault of the Muslims. After all, Lucky Larry is on a winning streak. Will he roll the dice one more time? 9/11 was conceived as an elaborate psychological operation to instill fear into the American people in order to manipulate them into supporting the political agenda of the Bush/Cheney administration, which included the invasion of several nations in the Middle East and the creation of a new century of American domination of the world for the next 100 years. The evidence supports the inference that 9/11 was a “national security event” which was authorized at the highest levels of the American government–the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon and The White House. It facilitated a reversal of US foreign policy and extraordinary constraints on the Constitution of the United States, which have dramatically increased the centralization of political power in the executive branch and dominating the legislative and judicial branches of government. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security has been especially ominous, where DHS has now requisitioned more than 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammo, which is not even permissible in the conduct of warfare under The Geneva Conventions. Combined with more than 300 FEMA camps around the country, which I have discussed in “From America to Amerika: The End Game” (with Dennis Cimino), even American should be alarmed at the parallels with the rise of The Third Reich in Germany before WWII. As a former Marine Corps officer, I am extremely apprehensive over the future of my country, which has been transformed from the most admired and respected nation in the world–along with our “gallant ally”‘ in the Middle East, Israel–to the most despised and reviled. I never expected that the U.S. would turn to “the dark side” in my lifetime, but it already has. Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout at 10 Million Silverstein laughs all the way to the bank New York City’s Port Authority had been desperately trying to find a way to demolish the Trade Towers since around 1990. The Towers had outmoded infrastructure, and such high vacancy rates that the City was losing a small fortune every year. Worse, all of the structural steel in the building was tightly encased in asbestos-laden spray-on fireproofing; and you can’t demolish an asbestos-laden building until every last speck of the stuff has been scraped off. In early 2001, the Port Authority lost its lawsuit contesting an asbestos-abatement order. Whoever owned the Towers – at this point the Port Authority – was legally required to scrape off and dispose of all of that asbestos. Cost estimates ranged from the billions to the tens of billions. Fortunately for the city, Larry Silverstein, an alleged mobster said to have gotten his start in the sexual-services trade before graduating to criminal-syndicate real estate, stepped in as a “good samaritan” to help New York City dispose of those toxic, money-hemorrhaging Towers. He put a little over ten million of his own money, with an additional 100 million or so from friends. Then on 9/11, bingo! Larry hit the jackpot. He, and family members, who were always in the Towers every morning, miraculously stayed home due to dermatological appointments and other excuses. Then he walked off with what is shaping up to be double-digit billions in insurance money, plus rights to the Trade Center site. They don’t call him “Lucky Larry” for nothing. “Lucky Larry” seems to think his two lucky numbers are 9/11 and the number of the Beast of Revelations, 666. They’ve been lucky for you in this life, Larry. So far. None of your victims or their sympathizers have caught up with you…yet. But regardless of how you end up dying, you’re going to have one hell of a time at the final judgment. n today’s news, American Home Assurance has announced that it is capping payouts for WTC-demolition asbestos claims at a measly $10 million. The announcement underlines just how much cheaper it is to demolish asbestos-laden skyscrapers without a permit, than to follow legal procedures. Larry Silverstein, a reputed illicit-sex-industry mobster, purchased the World Trade Center in 2001, shortly after the New York Port Authority lost an asbestos lawsuit and was ordered to remove all asbestos from the Twin Towers. Cost estimates for that asbestos removal ranged from the low billions to the tens of billions – far more than the outdated, half-empty buildings were worth. (The City of New York had been desperately seeking a way to demolish the Towers since around 1990, but was prevented from doing so by asbestos issues.) Silverstein would have gone bankrupt within a few years at most had the Towers not been illegally demolished on September 11th, 2001. Thanks to that illegal demolition, Silverstein – who had doubled the WTC’s terrorism insurance and changed it to cash payout when he finalized his purchase in July, 2001 – walked off with a 5 billion dollar cash return on his 100 million dollar investment. When last sighted, Silverstein was back in court asking for another 11 billion dollars from airline insurers. Silverstein is notorious for confessing on national television to the illegal demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. During a recent interview former intelligence community insider and current Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff stated that the crimes of 9/11 were conceived in New York City, by people linked to organized crime and the Israeli Mossad, as an illegal demolition project, and subsequently sold to corrupt elements of the Bush Administration, the intelligence community, and the military (especially the Armageddonite wing of the US Air Force). Duff added that many of those with direct knowledge of the crimes have come forward, and suggested that non-complicit insiders are working to bring the perpetrators to justice by any available means. Remembering 911Today, the last fake 9/11 controversy is over the role of Saudi Arabia in funding and organizing 9/11. This, of course, is a “con” as well and predicated on the false belief that the Saudi Royal family, which is “Saudi Arabia” was a “blood enemy” of Israel. The years since and the partnership, an open one, between Israel and Saudi Arabia against Syria, Iraq and Lebanon is long a matter of fact though not “official history.” When we travel back in time, knowing what we know, watching the videos of planes flying 550 miles per hour at near sea level, and the massive explosions that brought down the three towers, the dread some of us felt that day wasn’t over those killed. It was over those we knew would die, perhaps even in the millions, and the assault on world order, human rights and reason itself that would ensue. For 20 years, reality itself has been assaulted. We have a worldwide duality, the ignorant and “led” against those who understand but choose silence and survival. Planes don’t knock down steel framed buildings. Steel doesn’t burn from kerosene and ethylene glycol and kerosene fires, meaning “jet fuel.” You can’t hijack a plane in the US, it will either be shot down or, since some time in the early 1990s, simply be robotically landed. You see this done on TV all the time and it isn’t new. If a Tesla can drive through New York traffic at rush hour, a jet airliner can be landed using “fly by wire” that has been around forever. Figure 6(b): The rubble was not deep enough to reach the undercarriage of the black Cushman scooter in the foreground and the flag poles in the background look full height. Figure 6(c) Where did the quarter-mile-high buildings go? Figure 6(d) Video of WTC2's demise Figure 6(e): Ground zero looks bombed out because it was. Little of the buildings remain and many husky, beefy beams (Figure 3 above) are gone. There was surprisingly little collateral damage to nearby buildings. Figure 6(f): An earthquake-induced collapse in Pakistan suggests how much rubble and how little dust should have been at Ground Zero if the government’s gravitational collapse story were true. Figure 6(g): Another view of the same earthquake-induced collapse in Pakistan. Note there is no dust in the air, validated by the clarity of the shadows. Figure 7(a): Nuclear blast in Nevada. Figure 7(b): The cauliflower top looks familiar. Listen to the Ace Baker's documentary song, "Blown to Kingdom Come." Figure 7(c): The cauliflower top looks familiar here, too. (Mount Saint Helens) "[A good option] is to detonate the columns so that the building’s sides fall inward," Jones writes, "…all of the rubble collects at the center of the building"[pdf (7/19/06) p. 19].". Jones seems untroubled by the meager rubble from the massive cores. If all the steel had fallen to ground zero, it would have formed a steel block at each tower base approximately 200’x200’x10.2’ high. If all the concrete had fallen to ground zero, it would have formed a block at each tower base 200’x200’x56.1’ high. Together they would total 66.3 feet tall of pure steel and concrete or over five stories with no air or other debris. This calculation takes no account of over 1,000,000 square feet of aluminum cladding, 600,000 square feet of thick window glass, machinery (including 200 elevators in each tower), wall board, ceiling material, water and water systems, a few million miles of wiring, office equipment and furniture, etc. Remembrance is not about taking advantage of the mass hysteria of those who “Succumb” .. Remembrance is not about an open pocket book to just write checks for death and destruction on a global scale. Remembrance is not about the “Fat Cats” getting fatter on this death and destruction. When you remember 9/11 this time round you will be asked by the media and the “Succumbed “ to remember the so called perpetrators of this “Horrific Event”. This is a renewed attempt at seeking your approval to carry on this “Death and Destruction” at will, this is the very reason “Why Not to” remember this “Horrific Event”. If allowed this “Horrific Event” will, and has really already become your New “Holocaust “ with the old “Holocaust” all but forgotten and ignored the new has been brilliantly created for the very purposes of furthering the “Bloodsucking Leaching “ of the planets human resources, without resistance .Actually quite brilliant except for the fact this is not 1939 and this world is not the same world of uninformed people that existed in that era. This is now a world of connectivity something that the “Few” really don’t have. And the connected have already routed out the real perpetrator’s of this “Horrific Event”. As we watch this world plummet into a real live global crisis the real perpetrators are counting on the masses to not have the will or the ability to question or search out the truth in this matter, but rather will have nothing to do but try and save their own lives and or livelihood.This time around try and remember all those masses affected in a very negative way, and then think of those few that have made a literal “Killing” from this “Horrific Event” Remember the thousands who have blindly walked into “The Shadow of The Valley of Death” seeking to destroy a falsely accused, accused with proven false evidence,and Intel not even close to real. Intel, not investigated, an accused not given trial let alone fair trial. So when you remember try and remember what do you really stand for -is it Truth and Justice or is it just for the sake of some kind of misdirected “Revenge”? Why “Not” to remember 9/11. Go for truth and justice, don’t be duped again. |
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